Today is Cinco de Mayo. Time for some serious celebrations – Fiesta Style! So whether you’re heading over to No Mas! Cantina, Las Margaritas or even Ortega night at your friend’s place, here are five items you cannot go without.  

Tums – Do you know what happens when you mix three chicken tacos with two seasoned enchiladas and a pork tamale? Neither do we – stay safe and take some relief with you. Now available in Fruit Smoothie Flavors…perfect! “Your” tequila of choice – Your wine expertise impresses all of us. Red, white, fragrant, citrus, dry, fruity. You really know your grapes. But what about tequila? Do some quick research and find one you will stick by all night. May we recommend Don Julio Blanco? It sounds so fancy and will provide very little hangover. Donnnn Julio Blaaannco. Very fancy.

 A Sombrero – Just because The Royal Wedding is over doesn’t mean you need to retire your fancy hat wearing-abilities. We really have no idea where you can buy one, but with some strong ingenuity and a trip down Buford Highway, I am sure your search will end in plentiful results.

 Number to a Taxi - Because we are all vodka girls at heart, and we don’t know what will happen after a night of tequila shots! Worry not, the city has plenty of options of non-judgmental taxi companies. They just want to be of service, and they want your money.  

A Celebratory Attitude – While this may not be Mexico’s Independence Day, May 5th commemorates an unpredictable victory against the French Army in 1862. It was this major defeat which lead to a joint collaboration with the U.S.A. that eventually kicked the French back to their side of the pond. Celebrate with our South-Of-The-Border brothers and sisters in style this year.


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