
Little Girl Is the Cutest Stand-Up Comedian on YouTube
Little Girl Is the Cutest Stand-Up Comedian on YouTube
Little Girl Is the Cutest Stand-Up Comedian on YouTube
Calling her act ‘Laughter with Teddie,’ this little girl asks all the right questions. “Why do people sleep in pajamas?,” she asks. In a video just shy of two minutes, this aspiring stand-up comic ponders over things only her audience, presumably her age, would find amusing. Like, “what’s the deal with glossy paper?”
Tenacious D Is Back… To Be The Best
Tenacious D Is Back… To Be The Best
Tenacious D Is Back… To Be The Best
Many thought Tenacious D faded away like dust in the wind after their commercially mediocre movie “The Pick of Destiny” received mixed reviews from critics despite the band’s fans loving every minute of it. After five or so years out of the spotlight, the dynamic duo has returned.
10 Guys Who Died Doing What They Loved
10 Guys Who Died Doing What They Loved
10 Guys Who Died Doing What They Loved
You only die once, they say (unless you get brought back as a zombie, and then you get one more shot at it), so it’s kind of important that you make your last moments on Earth enjoyable. In this article, we’ll bring you ten dudes who shuffled off this mortal coil enjoying their favorite activities...
Watch Every Itchy and Scratchy Moment from ‘The Simpsons’
Watch Every Itchy and Scratchy Moment from ‘The Simpsons’
Watch Every Itchy and Scratchy Moment from ‘The Simpsons’
When it comes to fans of ‘The Simpsons,’ there are generally two camps — those who love it unconditionally and those who think it petered out in terms of quality sometime during the late ’90s. But whatever your opinion, there’s no denying that the cartoon’s ultraviolent show-within-a-show — ‘The Itchy & Scratchy Show’ — is pretty darned funny.
Meet Mishka the Talking Dog [VIDEOS]
Meet Mishka the Talking Dog [VIDEOS]
Meet Mishka the Talking Dog [VIDEOS]
Mishka the Talking Dog is a husky that can say almost anything from 'I Love you' to 'I want my mommy!' This dog is so popular that almost 300 million people have seen her videos. These days Mishka makes TV appearances, radio call-ins, and has been in a commercial! You can now be-friend her on Facebook or follow her on Twitter!
Tucker The Piano Dog Is a YouTube Sensation [VIDEO]
Tucker The Piano Dog Is a YouTube Sensation [VIDEO]
Tucker The Piano Dog Is a YouTube Sensation [VIDEO]
The Kenndy Family, from Canada, posted a video on YouTube of their one and a half year old Schnoodle, Tucker, who turns out have a special talent! Tucker as you can see loves to play the piano and sing! He does it 3 to 4 times a day! Is he any good? You be the judge! Amazing and funny video!
US Named Funniest Country; Germany Named Least Funny [VIDEO]
US Named Funniest Country; Germany Named Least Funny [VIDEO]
US Named Funniest Country; Germany Named Least Funny [VIDEO]
Maybe we should work on exporting some knock-knock jokes. The US has been named the funniest country in a survey of 30,000 people from 15 nations around the globe, while Germany - long known for its poor sense of humor - kept up the stereotype by finishing at the bottom.