
Cool Food Tricks and Magic You Need to Try [VIDEO]
Cool Food Tricks and Magic You Need to Try [VIDEO]
Cool Food Tricks and Magic You Need to Try [VIDEO]
Here's some cool food tricks and magic you have to try out for yourself! Impress your friends and family with these easy to do tricks. This video from BuzzFeedBlue with teach you how to use milk and food coloring to create some really unusual and beautiful effects, write on bananas without using ink. You'll also see how to make an orange sink in water and make your own Coke slushy and more! Read M
Thanksgiving Roundup – Secrets, Tips, Recipes and More
Thanksgiving Roundup – Secrets, Tips, Recipes and More
Thanksgiving Roundup – Secrets, Tips, Recipes and More
4tnz / Thinkstock / Mike Sprague, AFP, Getty Images Finally, everything you're looking for about Thanksgiving — from the stories behind the holiday to awesome costumes to dress up your pets — is all in one place. If you need to throw together a last-minute feast, wow dinner guests with facts about Thanksgiving or just watch a bunch of hysterical turkey attack videos, this is the guide for you.   T