"Trick or treat!' The sound that will be heard all over and over again tomorrow on Halloween Proper. OK..But after the candy has been put away and for some medicine give for upset tummies, what is next? For the religious world, the next day is All Saints Day and there will be many churches that will celebrate accordingly.

Now for the rest of us, whats next? Looking at the calendar, it now says November and then the feeling starts to sink in. Just over 3 weeks to the beginning of the holiday season and Thanksgiving. Food, parades, family, football and more upset tummies.

But no turning back now. Less than a month later we are all singing Christmas Carols, eating all sorts of holiday treats and consuming Eggnog like it is going out of style. This puts us all in a festive mood. Then the big day arrives and opening presents and diving into the piles of food once again laid before us.

The express doesn't stop there. No. One more stop a week later. We all become a bunch of crazy people watching a ball drop and blowing party horns at the stoke of midnight.

Then all of the sudden it is New Years 2012 and we realize that is is the day we make a covenant. Why? We all (or have) made this vow to do better with our bodies, our jobs, our finances or what ever you decide to fill in the blank with in the next 366 days (yeah..Leap Year).

Then if you think about it, with that simple stroke of the clock at midnight comes one other thing. Taxes. Hello IRS.. So, I just think I'll revert back to this simple day in October and enjoy another Hershey's Miniature or Root Beer Barrel and drift off to a better time when I did not have to think of whats next.

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