Ultimate Classic Rock Staff

10 Best Grammy Performances
We combed YouTube to find the best musical performances from the Grammys.

Top 5 Super Bowl Halftime Performances
Let's face it, any proper list is going to be dominated by classic rock acts.

Rockers We’ve Lost in 2016
We've lost a number of great artists and important contributors this year. Our continuously updated photo gallery pays tribute to their accomplishments.

Top 10 Glenn Frey Eagles Songs
Los Angeles’ ‘70s rock scene couldn’t have been further away from the blue-collar, working-class roots of his upbringing.

That Time Ray Davies Was Shot in New Orleans
Like many British rockers of his generation, Ray Davies has a big crush on America.

Motorhead’s Lemmy Kilmister Dies at Age 70
Motorhead confirmed Lemmy's death, saying their frontman passed "after a short battle with an extremely aggressive cancer."

UPDATED: Story Is a Hoax – Ted Nugent and Kid Rock Have Not Teamed Up to Record ‘Kiss My Rebel Ass’
Ted Nugent and Kid Rock have reportedly teamed up to record a song in support of the Confederate flag.

Stars With Rock Star Dads
As this list of Stars With Rock Star Dads demonstrates, some of the most famous names in music, television and movies today have parents who are bona fide rock legends.

Beatles’ ‘Sgt. Pepper’s’ Cover Art: A Guide to Who’s Who
The Beatles are surrounded by dozens of famous, talented people on the cover of 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.' Here's your chance to learn about each and every one of them.

Five Things You Might Not Know About Jimmy Page’s Guitars
Jeff Strawman, author of the 2015 book 'Led Zeppelin Gear: All the Gear from Led Zeppelin and the Solo Careers,' shares some lesser-known facts about Jimmy Page's guitars.

Phil Rudd Pleads Guilty to Threatening to Kill, Drug Charges
Phil Rudd's legal fate will soon be decided.

Motley Crue Add Heat to El Diablo Burger Commercial
What better way to introduce the new "El Diablo" burger from Carl's Jr. and Hardee's than with one of Motley Crue's most devilishly famous songs?