If I were to ask you, "What Oklahoma town would you absolutely never live and why?" odds are you could list at least one.


I think every Oklahoman shares this type of opinion in common with the rest.

My dad always warned us kids about even visiting Lawton... "You'll get shot!" He's still uncomfortable with me living here. Mom never cared for Altus. My sister always talked trash on Tulsa when she lived in OKC...until she moved there--now she can't see at all why people stay in OKC.

Same/same for my friends. My buddy from Apache can't see why anyone would live in Elgin, something about the struggles of moving 17,000 people twice a day down a single two-lane road. Another friend from Cache says the same thing about Elgin.

Haters gonna hate.

Personally, I'll never live in a big metro again. When it takes three hours of driving each day just to go to work, you're paying to go to work. OKC & Tulsa are irritating but Dallas and Houston were by far the worst.

When it comes to hating on another town for one reason or another, there's no shortage of opinions. Here are the top Oklahoma towns your fellow Oklahomans loathe.

Top 20 Oklahoma Towns Most Hated by Okies

Oklahoma spends quite a bit of time talking about why we don't like everywhere else. Like Sooner fans and people in Southern OK talk trash on Texas, Northern OK hates Kansas, Eastern OK isn't fond of Arkansas, etc... but what about our own state?

I ran across a dead thread online where people were talking in detail trying to rank the worst cities in the state. Here's the list from least-worse to absolute-worst as voted by your fellow Oklahomies.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

Top 12 trashiest Oklahoma towns & sleazy cities

It's a top 12 list you don't want to be on. Unfortunately, these 12 towns and cities have been selected as some of the worst and by worst I mean trashiest and sleaziest in the Sooner State. These dirty dozen were selected by Google using factors like crime, violence, drug abuse, unemployment, income rates, and even the overall appearance of the town or city. It factored in things like rundown or abandoned properties and vehicles when ranking how trashy or sleazy a town or city is. Scroll through the photo gallery below.

Gallery Credit: Don "Critter" Brown

The Safest College Campuses in Oklahoma

As parents, there's more to worry about than just the future when it comes to their babies leaving the nest for the first time. Will they survive on their own? Will they make good decisions? Are they safe while they're away from home? These are legitimate questions every parent thinks about as their kids grow. If you have a student headed to college, here's the list of Oklahoma's safest college campuses - granted, there's a trend... The smaller the campus, the safer it tends to be.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

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