Exactly one year to the day after one of the most horrific mass shootings ever in America, two survivors of that awful tragedy got married. Eugene Han, 21, and Kirstin Davis, 22, tied the knot in that same town this past Saturday, in the presence of friends and family.
Caleb Medley was one of the 58 people injured during last week’s horrific theater shooting in Colorado. As a result of that terrible ordeal, the aspiring comedian lost his right eye, suffered brain damage and is currently in a medically-induced coma. To make matters worse, he has no insurance and his bills could exceed $2 million. There is a bright spot in this terrible story, however.
Details are pouring by the second about Colorado's second mass shooting since April 20, 1999 when two armed assailants walked into Columbine High School and opened fire on students. What made James Holmes take his sinister action last night?
Details about the victims of the mass shooting in a Colorado movie theater have been scant thus far, but the name of one woman killed in the attack has now been made public — and the details of the days leading up to her death are downright eerie.
This breathtaking new video from the International Space Station offers a rarely seen view of the Auroras from space.
The Southern and Northern Lights are one of the most beautiful natural phenomenon in the world. So you can imagine how amazing they look while floating above the Earth. You gotta see this footage after the jump.