Without a doubt Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt is the absolute coolest Gov. in the entire country! I'm just going to say it "Damn I'm proud of Oklahoma and our Governor!" Yesterday (05-12-21) Gov. Stitt hosted a quick cookout in OKC with local and area farmers, ranchers and grill loving Oklahomans. It was kind of a pop up cookout in that it took place on the side of the road on Southeast 15th Street in OKC near the PETA billboard.
The animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, better known as PETA, does some good work, but it’s the organization’s more absurd stunts that often make headlines — and this one is a prime example.
Citing the suffering of turkeys during the Thanksgiving season, PETA sent a letter to the mayor of Turkey, Texas and asked him to change the town’s name to the tofu-based meat alte