The Sopranos redefined television for more than just HBO, but did you know creator David Chase still thought of expanding his vision into a film, after the pilot was already shot? Or that the series shares 27 actors with its Goodfellas inspiration? Wake up this morning, and get yourself the 25th episode of ‘You Think You Know TV?,’ as we drive to Jersey for some felonious facts of HBO's The Sopranos!
The ending to HBO's magnum TV opus 'The Sopranos' has remained a source of debate over the last seven years, as fans and viewers analyze every sound and frame of series finale "Made in America" for a clue to Tony Soprano's ultimate fate. Now, despite a near-decade of refusals, series creator David Chase may finally have revealed if Tony Soprano lived or died.
Tony Soprano may have a bit to pout about now that 'The Sopranos' officially lost its HBO throne for most-watched series to the aptly titled 'Game of Thrones,' but don't consider the New Jersey mobster down and out just yet. Over 15 years after the series began, HBO officially set a release date for the Blu-ray box set collection of 'The Sopranos: The Complete Series.'
Long has HBO's 'Game of Thrones' reigned as one of TV's most expensive series in history, but at long last, it has a much more boast-worthy title. Tony Soprano officially lost the HBO throne, now that 'Game of Thrones' succeeded 'The Sopranos' to become the most-watched and highly rated series for the premium cable network.
HBO has long been a thorn in the side of streaming media enthusiasts, only licensing its content to be accessed through HBO GO, unlike the Netflix and Amazon Prime models that have become so commonplace in recent years. Now, the pay-cable network struck a surprising Amazon Prime deal to deliver streams of a variety of shows past and present, but don't expect to start that 'Game of Thrones' maratho
Back in 1999, the world was introduced to arguably the best TV show ever created. Set primarily in New Jersey, 'The Sopranos' explored the story of mobster Tony Soprano, a man attempting to keep his home life, as well as his mental state, intact in a profession where a bullet could come flying around any corner.