
More House Chores, Less Sex
More House Chores, Less Sex
More House Chores, Less Sex
Married men who kiss up to their old ladies by helping out with the housework are less likely to be bumping uglies with that same misses at the end of the night, according to a new study.
Can Men and Women Be ‘Just Friends’ The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Truth!
Can Men and Women Be ‘Just Friends’ The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Truth!
Can Men and Women Be ‘Just Friends’ The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Truth!
“What I'm saying is - and this is not a come-on in any way, shape or form - is that men and women can't be friends because the sex part always gets in the way,” said Harry Burns (Billy Crystal) in the entertaining movie, When Harry Met Sally. It left people everywhere wondering if men and women can really be just friends? We dug into our sources to find out the scoop!
Steve Kelly’s Top 5 Experiences Dating The Wrong Woman
Steve Kelly’s Top 5 Experiences Dating The Wrong Woman
Steve Kelly’s Top 5 Experiences Dating The Wrong Woman
Guys we have all been in relationships with girls that we think are without a doubt perfect for us. Then after it all goes south and the craziness is over with - we look back and see all the signs that these women were without a doubt wrong for us and well certifiably crazy and beyond jealous ...
Top 10 Signs You Are Dating a Loser!
Top 10 Signs You Are Dating a Loser!
Top 10 Signs You Are Dating a Loser!
Is he always late and has an unpredictable attitude? Or maybe he’s perfect and tells you he loves you on date two. How can you tell if he’s 'Mr. Right' or one step away from loserville? Here are our top 10 signs you’re dating a loser. Check them out!
Supplements Could Be Linked to Increased Risk of Death in Women
Supplements Could Be Linked to Increased Risk of Death in Women
Supplements Could Be Linked to Increased Risk of Death in Women
Vitamins are said to be good for you. According to a new study from the University of Minnesota, however, that may not always be the case. Researchers reviewed the cases of 38,000 women over a 19-year period and found that those who took supplements had about a 2.4 percent increased risk of death over those who didn’t, which could be related to the compounds supplements contain — compounds that ca

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