20 Actors Who Quit Movies During Production
Some famous characters were almost played by other famous people.
Every Marvel Movie Ever Made, Ranked From Worst to Best
From Marvel Comics #1 to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The Silliest Names For DVD and Blu-ray Director’s Cuts
Get ready to get raw ... uncut ... and extreme.
‘Dark Phoenix’ Is the Worst Reviewed X-Men Movie in History
Worse even than ‘X-Men: The Last Stand.’ A lot worse.
Jennifer Lawrence Will Return For More ‘X-Men’…Under One Condition
Jennifer Lawrence isn’t contracted for another X-Men sequel, but back in March she seemed pretty happy about the possibility of returning for more films. It’s been two months since then, and while Lawrence appears to be a little less eager about it now, she says that she’ll reprise the role of Raven…there’s just one thing that has to happen. Or maybe two.