Ariana Grande, kawaii anime creature brought to life and gifted with the Voice of an Angel (but plagued by Visions of Demons), is providing her faithful Arianators with yet another single off of her (still) excellent 2016 record, Dangerous Woman.

Sadly, that single is not "Touch It" — but she did give that song to Final Fantasy, so it's fine. Kind of.

The Ilya-produced "Everyday" featuring Future, which will be released to contemporary hit radio this month and is already climbing on the Bubbling Under chart (give it time), is the fourth official single from the campaign. And to keep it climbing higher, the Princess of Ponytails just served up a lyric video for the song.

It's more or less a straightforward affair, as the pint-sized pop singer happily sings and bops along to the song while the words flash across the screen — you know, as a lyric video generally goes.

Ariana Grande That Good Shit

But really, only Ari could still look cute with the words "that good s--t" plastered over her face over and over again.

Watch above, and join me in campaigning for "Touch It" to be a formal single by repeatedly contacting Ariana Grande on Twitter.

A reminder:

20 Ariana Grande Ponytails for Any Situation:

Ariana Grande's Best Live Vocals:

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