Earlier this week a public statement was made about an upsetting item on the city council agenda in Lawton, Oklahoma. Folks in Lawton became worried about a "possible ban being considered on pit bulls in Lawton." On Tuesday, Jan. 28, Mayor Stan Booker went live on the City of Lawton's public Facebook page and addressed the truthfulness of the statement.

The Mayor's Brief Statement Addressing Misinformation

Mayor Booker addressed the topic, confirming that there would be no such thing as a ban on pit bulls considered in Lawton.

"As a matter of fact," he said, "in the state of Oklahoma a municipality is not allowed to have a breed specific ban on dogs."

He also addressed how the false information has been affecting Lawton's community, saying "whether it was intentional or not, it has caused a bit of a frenzy."

What Is The Topic On The Agenda Actually About?

The Mayor explained that they will be "receiving a report of violent attacks by dogs" from Lawton's City Prosecutor. Although the report has already been made public, and can be read here, the Council will not hear the presentation and offer discussion until the council meeting scheduled Tuesday, Jan. 28.

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Getty Images by Adam Gray

The presentation is heavily influenced by the recent influx of attacks caused by a seizure of "fighting pit bulls" that were recovered from a puppy mill rescue in Lawton. The pit bulls in question are currently held at the Lawton Animal Welfare and have incidentally attacked Animal Control Officers.

The presentation from the City Prosecutor does include a few proposed solutions that the city may or may not implement. These are ideas not necessarily required to be voted on or even considered by City Council.

From the presentation, the City Prosecutor suggested the following solutions to the violent attacks from dangerous dogs:

  • Lawful ban of Pit Bulls within the City Limits if legal approval can be obtained
  • Increased involvement by LPD to identify owners of banned breed during normal operations and assist ACO’s with confiscation as needed
  • Hire 2-3 additional Animal Control Officers (ACO’s)
  • Increased Public awareness of dangers and preventative measures such as repellant sprays and walking sticks
  • Awareness briefings to Lawton Public Schools and bus drivers (some attacks occur against children walking home from school bus stops)

It's important to remember that, although the City Prosecutor may propose a ban, that does not mean the council can or will consider it. In theory, the only way a lawful breed-specific ban could happen is if Oklahoma state law was changed.

Lawton Citizens Cannot Speak On Agenda Topics at Council Meeting, But Can Do This

Unfortunately, per council meeting code, community members who attend the council meeting may not be able to publicly comment on the presentation from the City Prosecutor because it is an item on the agenda. As stated on the Agenda Packet, "AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION: Lawton citizens who have completed a Request to Speak Form and wish to address business not listed on the agenda may step forward at this time."

However, Lawton citizens can contact their council members before tonight's meeting and express their concerns. To contact your council members, click here.

The agenda item regarding dog attacks is set to be discussed by the city council at its bi-monthly meeting scheduled for 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 28 at Lawton City Hall. For meeting details and agenda, click here.

Top 5 Most Stolen Breeds of Dogs in Oklahoma

Puppies in general are more likely to be stolen than adult dogs. But if you have a puppy of these breeds, you should be careful not to leave them alone.

Gallery Credit: Dani

Oklahoma's Top 10 Most Dangerous & Deadly Animals

Oklahoma is well known for having some of the most dangerous and deadly wild animals to be found anywhere in the United States. The Sooner State is home to several species of wild animals that could quickly and easily harm or kill you. We have it all, from poisonous snakes and spiders to carnivorous predators and everything in between. You'll want to be aware and avoid these dangerous and deadly animals if at all possible. Most aren't looking to harm or kill you but if disturbed or agitated will absolutely attack.

Gallery Credit: Don "Critter" Brown

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