23 Celebrities Who Are Huge NFL Fans
Are you ready for some football? These stars sure are.
Yes, while famous folks may live a life you can only dream about, they do share at least one thing in common with you: they also root hard for their favorite NFL teams. They pace across the living room floor (or their trailer, if they're on set) praying the defense can get a stop. They promise they won't ask for anything else if only their guys can pull this game out. They tear their foam fingers into pieces when the hated opponent wins on a last-second field goal.
Even if you're famous, being a fan is not easy. Only one team ends the season holding a trophy, so disappointment and frustration are, to borrow a phrase from a different sport, par for the course. Still, like us, these famous folks persevere and keep on cheering.
Check out this list of celebrities — from Brad Pitt to Lil Wayne — and the teams they cheer on so hard they wake up hoarse on Monday morning.
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