Chihuahua Claims Guinness World Record as Oldest Living Dog: Meet TobyKeith!
TobyKeith has claimed the crown as the oldest living dog.
According to Guinness World Records, the Chihuahua from Florida is the oldest dog alive at 21 years old.
TobyKeith claimed the title on March 16, when he turned 21 years and 66 days old.
The adorable pup's owner, Gisela Shore, adopted the little guy when he was just a few months old from an animal rescue.
"I was a volunteer at Peggy Adams Animal Rescue and one of the employees told me about an elderly couple trying to surrender a puppy because they could not take care of him any longer," Shore told Guinness World Records in a video shared to their Instagram account.
"I met with the elderly couple and I was introduced to a tiny tan Chihuahua. They had named him Peanut Butter. I later changed his name to TobyKeith," Shore continued. "He's been with me since he was a puppy. He is in pretty good health considering his age, and he does a lot of sleeping, but other than that, he's doing great."
The video shows TobyKeith cuddling up to Shore and taking a nap. Watch below:
The Chihuahua also has a heart condition, but Shore noted it doesn't "give him much trouble."
Shore told Guinness World Records TobyKeith's diet of "vegetables, rice and chicken and no sugary treats," in addition to his daily walks, have kept him living past the average Chihuahua's life expectancy, which is 14 to 16 years, according to the American Kennel Club.
The proud owner pampered TobyKeith to celebrate the record. "It definitely brought a big smile on my face!" Shore shared of the achievement.
While TobyKeith is the oldest living dog, the Guinness World Record for the oldest dog ever belongs to an Australian cattle dog.
Bluey was born in 1910 and worked among farm animals for nearly two decades before being put to sleep on Nov. 14, 1939 at the age of 29 years and five months, according to Guinness World Records.
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