Clay’s Corner ~ Goodbye To Ho Ho’s & Twinkes?
Can you imagine a world with out Twinkies or Ho Ho's? How about a fabulous fruit filled pie? Or a creme filled cupcake?There is a distinct possibility. Just three short years ago, Hostess Brands emerged from a 5 year restructuring plan after Interstate Bakers filed for protection in 2004. For the second time in a short amount of time, people are wondering if their favorite snacks will disappear for good.
Not so fast according to sources within the company. There are enough snacks for awhile. But, Americans are eating healthier and that is putting a vice like grip on the snack food industry that has so many fighting for your business.
While you roam the aisles of your favorite store, you see the likes of Entenmann's baked goods which is made by Bimbo Bakeries. Then there are Little Debbie Snack Cakes which are brought to you from McKee Foods. Then there are the giants of Kraft and Sara Lee. Most of these companies have managed to get a strong hold on the market even at a time when more and more Americans are watching their weight.
Another issue is that the majority of Hostess Brands workers are unionized. There again is another hard way for the company to face financial challenges. Medical plans and pensions are much higher than the competitors.
With assets of close to $1 Billion, the company has $1Billion in liabilities and is also $860 Million in debt. Hostess has 19,000 employees in 48 states. At the present time, there are no mentions of layoffs,but the company still has to work out what will be best for all concerned.
So do you run out and stock up on your favorite? Or will you watch Twinkie the Kid ride off into the sunset for good? I am headed out the door right now for option number one! BON APPETIT!