Dallas Gas Station Voted ‘Best Street Tacos In Texas’
If you've ever lived in or traveled through Texas, you know they take their tacos seriously. It's true, you can often find really good tacos pretty much anywhere around that enormous state, they're infinitely better the further South you go, but somehow, someway, a Dallas gas station has been crowned the title of "Best Street Tacos in Texas."
I know what you're thinking... Buc-ee's right? No. While Buc-ee's has some real decent brisket offerings, the convenient store conglomerate wasn't bestowed this award. Instead, it went to a much smaller company called Fuel City. A very small chain of fueling stations with a handful of locations throughout the Lone Star State. As you'd expect, their claim to fame is their cheap and apparently delicious street tacos.
While I will admit that the occasional EZGO Twister isn't out of the question, who is buying their tacos at a gas station, let alone FROM the gas station? Don't get me wrong, I would willingly try them and try to keep an open mind about it... After all, the late night Allsups burrito of West Texas is a thing of absolutely culinary perfection... but that is a subject that is somehow different. They just hit differently when you climb off the combine after sixteen hours of cutting wheat.
In terms of tacos, I'll be the first to say it... after working in Corpus Christie and living in places like Beeville, Robstown, and Padre Island, it's next to impossible to find good Mexican food North of the line that is Interstate 10 across Texas. It's literally impossible. North of that road, you hope for complex flavors of slow cooked cuts of meats only to get burned ground beef with the same dirt-cheap mystery flavor seasoning that every other taco stop uses in America. How is it that a Dallas gas station won what had to be the ultimate taco competition in Texas?
Perhaps it's the influx of non-Texans to Texas that has the state whirling through an identity crisis the last few years. Could it be the voting is skewed by a wall of Yankee's and progressives that, under any normal culinary situation, think that mayonnaise is spicy? Time will tell. The next time I'm near the New York City of Texas, I'll have to try Fuel City's tacos for myself and pray they aren't the big letdown they sound like.
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