Hollywood Names Its Highest-Paid Actor + Gov’t Official’s Wife in Hot Water: Pop Bits
It's hard to get too excited about how much the highest-paid actor in Hollywood gets when you hear how much less the highest-paid female actor gets. That and more, in this evening's Pop Bits:
The World's Highest-Paid Actors 2017: Mark Wahlberg Leads With $68 Million
Nobody may have actually liked, understood or even seen that last Transformers movie (at least not in the United States, but Marky Mark still got paid big-time. In sad but not surprising news, Wahlberg's annual haul bests Hollywood's highest-paid woman, Emma Stone, by $42 million.
Wife of U.S. Treasury Secretary Deletes Condescending Instagram Tirade
Louise Linton, married to Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin, made a regrettable move when she incurred criticism for positing a photo of Mnuchin getting off a plane, and decided to respond with, basically: "I’m rich. You’re not. Shut up and go watch Game of Thrones." Her account is now private, but screenshots live forever.
A Woman Says She Had Underage Sex With R. Kelly
A woman has allegedly broken her nondisclosure agreement with the controversial R&B singer to reveal that Kelly had sex with her when she was underage. She says it's an attempt to help other young women who may be "brainwashed" and trapped in a sex cult. "I didn’t have anybody to speak up on my behalf when I was going through what I was going through with him," she says. "He’s brainwashed them really bad, and it kind of reminds me of Charles Manson."
The 100 Greatest Film Comedies of All Time
A massive panel of critics from all over the world selected the best funny movies ever. ScreenCrush has the Top 10 for you (link above), and you can check out the full list over at the BBC. Somehow Pulp Fiction made the list at #46 (sure, it's funny, but a comedy?) two spots ahead of Bridesmaids. Those two movies are in the same genre? Huh?
Pound Coin Gag Scoops Best Edinburgh Fringe Joke Award
Every summer comedians from around the world come to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and for the last 10 years one joke has won the (somewhat) coveted Funniest Joke of the Fringe Award. This year the honor went to self-proclaimed Chinese comedian Ken Cheng for this one-liner: "I'm not a fan of the new pound coin, but then again, I hate all change." Heh heh, not bad, Ken. (Though we still prefer the 2009 winner: "Hedgehogs. Why can't they just share the hedge?")
Celebrity Biopics: The Actors and Who They Played