Husband Insists Wife Disinvite Her Mom From Baby Shower After Huge Fight
A man is demanding his wife disinvite her mom from their upcoming baby shower after a family argument erupted during dinner.
Now, the pregnant woman is trying to keep the peace but feels forced to choose between her "rude" husband and her "aggressive" mother.
Heartbroken and deflated, she took her story to Reddit's popular AITA forum, where it went viral.
In her post, the woman shared her family has been planning and organizing her baby shower and she could not be "more grateful to have such a loving bunch in my life caring about me."
However, things unexpectedly spiraled when her parents offered to treat her and her husband to dinner to celebrate their happy news.
"So Thursday night, my parents offered to treat my husband and I to dinner at a new restaurant that opened up in the area," she wrote in her post. "Full disclosure, my husband was in a mood even before we left, so I offered to reschedule, but he insisted that everything was fine. So we went."
The husband and his mother-in-law "both started drinking immediately."
"My mom's not a big drinker, so she was giddy by her second glass of wine, but she wasn't exactly drunk either," the woman explained, adding her husband was "hitting the wine pretty hard." Since he wasn't driving home, she was okay with him letting loose — until things got tense.
"Fast forward to the end of the dinner, and my husband 'jokingly' snaps at the waitress to come over to our table. I was mortified. I was a waitress, and I know exactly how it feels to be treated that way," the woman shared.
When the server came over to their table, the woman apologized and promised to make it up to her with a generous tip, but "that's when the s--t hit the fan."
"My husband flipped his lid and told me [off] after she walked away, [saying] that I'd embarrassed him and made a big deal out of nothing," the woman wrote, adding her husband became loud before her mother intervened and "started yelling at him for yelling at me and treating the waitstaff badly."
"After that, what started as a great night quickly turned into one of the worst. My dad had to usher my mom away, and my husband stormed out ... The rest of the night was literally just one enormous argument about how my family and I humiliated him."
The next day, the woman attempted to smooth things over with her husband and family. However, her mother had left him a voicemail "cursing him out and telling him that he's a monster."
Her husband is now demanding that she cut her mom out of their baby shower.
"I argued at first because she paid for so much of it, and I want her there, but at the same time, he has a point. This is his baby too, and if I told him I didn't want someone at the shower, I'd have that right. It really broke my heart to tell her that she couldn't be in it, and it was only made worse by my sister calling me up and telling me off for making our mom cry when she's done so much," the woman shared.
Now the woman's sister isn't coming either, and she doesn't know if her brother will even attend.
"My heart is shattered," she added, explaining she doesn't want to tell her husband that his feelings don't matter when it comes to their baby.
"I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place," the woman continued, looking to Reddit for advice.
Users rallied behind the mom-to-be in the comments.
"Your husband is awful. Keep your mom," one user wrote.
"You knew your husband was rude to the waitress and even felt you needed to tip her more. You said you are very grateful for your mom for putting together a great shower. Your mom knew how rude your hubby was being, and quite frankly, she saw red flags and that's why she reacted," another wrote.
"Very rarely should you support your mom over your hubby ... but this feels like she is on your side even when you can't be on your own side. You will need her, and it's clear you both love each other. Your husband isn't worth tearing this relationship up. I predict you will have your mom in your life waaaay longer than hubby," someone else commented.
Many users also insisted the man's behavior was abusive.
"PS: When you are pregnant is when men tend to show their true colors because you are weak. Please listen to who they are because they tell the truth," another advised, while someone added: "I think the word is thrown around too often here, but it sounds as though he's abusive. She's making far too many excuses for him."
"He's only a grown man. It's not like he should have the ability to, I don't know, regulate his own emotional responses, not be rude to the point of needing to buy off waitstaff, and yell at you for trying to shield others from his tantrums," another Redditor wrote, slamming the husband.
Have you ever been in a similar situation with your spouse or MIL? Share your story with PopCrush by connecting with us on Twitter or Facebook.
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