A post from a local bakery got quite the interaction online. Folks from all over took notice of the local Wichita Falls bakery.

Margie's Bakery and Deli Going Viral

Since 1970, Margie's Bakery and Deli has been serving Wichita Falls with amazing sandwiches, salads, soups, and of course sweets. Those sweets though got them a lot of attention from a recent Facebook post showing off some cookies for sale. When posting something on Facebook, it reaches more than just Wichita Falls. Some folks around the world did not like Margie's M.A.G.A. cookies they were showing off. The post was deleted, but others have shared photos of the cookies in question.

Margie's M.A.G.A. Cookies Shown Below

Obviously over the past couple of days, many in Wichita Falls have come to the defense of Margie's. Buying up these cookies and other items from the store. The problem is from other's around the world who have never been to Margie's and probably never stepped foot in Wichita Falls. According to the owners, they started receiving negative reviews on their business. Once they shut off reviews for their page they have actually been threatened as well.

Post from Margie's on Why the Cookies Were Removed from Facebook

Now the post is gone from Facebook, but the cookies still remain at the store if you want to go pick some up. Margie's has them featured on their website and also a Thank You video for everyone that supported them during this rough time. If this is already what is happening before the election, we have a long few months ahead of us.

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