We've all had that "why did I DO that" moment with money. Whether it was at the casino, or on a bet, or maybe even a silly buy that we regret the next day. Most of us just beat ourselves up mentally and try to keep from doing it again. But this guy in Shawnee who lost his money at the casino?

No... he definitely tried to get revenge for losing all of his money.

Man in Shawnee, Oklahoma Loses His Money Then His Mind

Destroy the casino
OK Humor

You can see security and casino staff watch as he lets out his steam, rather than try to restrain him from destroying property.

One of the commentors suspected that they were waiting on police to get there to handle the situation, saying "Most security guards are just told to observe and report. In situations like this, they'd call the cops and wait for them."

Destroy the Casino
Daily Slaps Youtube

Some folks agree that, even if you legally restrain someone destroying property, would you really want to in this situation? Comments like:

  • "That’s a big man and he’s on something it seems or off his meds. Better eat [your] wheaties is all I’m saying!!"
  • "Would you try to restrain him all crazy like that? I wouldn't. He's kind of a big guy. lol"
  • "wtf lol....none of those people are security. I'm not gonna jump in and save anything. Security is on the way best believe. If he's hitting a woman or a child or being rude to elderly people I'll intervene. But I'm not putting my safety in danger over property that's not mine. Thats a good way to get shot."

Would you step in this man's way to stop him from destroying casino property? You can watch the full video here.

Ada Man Loses Money Then Loses His Arm

Something must be in the water in Oklahoma, making people a bit more sensitive to losing these days. This video was released after another casino-related incident happened in Ada, Oklahoma over a week ago. Another man, who also lost all of his money after gambling, decided to lay his arm over a train track and let the train do the rest.

Lesson learned: if you're in the casino, make sure you or someone you trust can cut you off before losing all of your money (not literally).

Indications Of A Gambling Addiction

Here are some indications you may have an addiction to gambling. There is help available. Call 1-800-GAMBLER or visit ncpgambling.org

Gallery Credit: Dr. T

Things to do in Tulsa

When it comes to entertainment in Oklahoma, most people flock to our capital city of OKC to do, well, everything. There's just so much there, but Tulsa has been quietly growing its entertainment quota over the last decade or two also. If you find yourself in T-Town, here are some great things to do.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

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