I have shared with you in the past that I have a Mace Family cookbook. Whenever I want to cook something new I must refer to the Mace Family Cookbook first (it’s an unwritten rule of being a Mace wife, or so my husband tells me). Believe it or not, I have never made homemade beef stew. I know, don’t judge me. So off to the cookbook I go looking for a recipe for Beef Stew.

I refer to the index and look under “Meats and Main Dishes”. What? No beef stew recipe? But there is a recipe for Elephant Stew. Thinking this must be a clever name for some sort of beef stew I turn to page 138 in the Mace Family Cookbook and there it is…Elephant Stew! Thanks to Sue Mace for this fun recipe.

Elephant Stew

  • 1 elephant
  • 2 rabbits (optional)
  • Brown gravy (lots and lots)
  • Apple cider (lots and lots)

Cut the elephant in bite-size pieces, this takes a while. Marinate in lots and lots of apple cider. Add enough brown gravy to cover and some spices to taste. Cook over kerosene fire for about 4 weeks or until tender. This will serve approximately 3,799 people. If more are expected, add the 2 rabbits. But do this only if necessary as most people do not like hare in their stew.

Those Mace women. They are just full of humor aren’t they? Sprinkled throughout the cookbook are words of wisdom and household tips from Alice Mae Johns Mace (Great Grandmother). I will share them with you whenever I share a recipe.

Household Tip: “A solution of four parts wood or rubbing alcohol, about one part household liquid detergent and five parts water makes the most effective way to clean a car windshield.

If you want the real recipe I used for Beef Stew, you can click here

The Mace Place
The Mace Place

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