Shameless Oklahoma: Things Normal Here That Frustrate Everyone Else
Some things we do in Oklahoma, they just make sense. Others... we do just because, well, we can. It's all part of what makes us the sooner state - maybe that's why if you're not from Oklahoma, these things might either drive you out of your mind or throw you for a loop.
Stopping On The Street For A Conversation
As I was driving home yesterday, I saw two men pulled off on a side road, just chatting away. I thought nothing of it, but watched as the driver needing to take the road they were stopped on rolled their eyes and probably said a few choice words to themselves.
I'll admit, we've all probably had to wait while a pair of people had to move their cars to continue their conversation, but is it really that bad of a deal to put up with? At least we still now how to talk to each other in person.
Share The Road With a Tractor
Now this one, even seasoned Oklahomans can struggle with sometimes. If you didn't know it, tractors are absolutely street legal and are allowed to be on the road, equipment and all.
Technically, they are supposed to pull to the right when they can to let traffic pass, but some people just have no patience these days.
Slow Down When Passing Riders
Oklahoma may not be on the top 10 list, but we do still love our horseback riding. Although you usually don't see them on the roads, you might catch them walking alongside a country road or two.
Generally, you are supposed to slow down when you see a rider on the road. After all, horses are prey animals - it takes nothing at all to spook an inexperienced horse and before you know it, they could end up in your windshield.
Inconvenient, I know, but safer for everyone involved.
Carry Around Spit Cups
One of the longest standing habits, we'll call it, for ranchers, cowboys and hard workers has been chewing tobacco, or "dip." Back in 2020, research showed that 7.1% of adults in Oklahoma used smokeless tobacco.
Usually if you see someone carrying around a cup they never drink from, or a water bottle with some interesting contents, be sure NOT to drink it.
Dumping Animals
Oklahoma has a serious problem with too many animals being born and not enough people to give them homes. Shelters are full, foster programs are full and people aren't adopting enough.
Plus, backyard breeders are constantly breeding puppies with little knowledge or care about where they end up, just about the money they will bring.
Unfortunately that means that tons of dogs and cats roam Oklahoma, homeless and usually in poor condition. The frustrating part is that there is very little that can be done, besides taking the animal in, yourself. It shouldn't be normal, but it is a very real harsh reality in Oklahoma.
If you're not from Oklahoma, what have you noticed Oklahomans do that frustrate you? If you ARE from Oklahoma, what frustrates you? Message us on the app!

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