It's about this time each year when weak cold fronts interrupt the brutal Oklahoma heat and people start wondering when the leaves will start to change.

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The state usually takes on a warm color tone of yellows, oranges, and reds. Everyone looks forward to that short time when the scenery improves before everything dies. Fall is a good time to be in Oklahoma.

Sure, the colors of fall aren't as vibrant here as they are in other places around the country. We'll never be as colorful as the Northeastern US, and you'll never find a sea of yellow aspens like you'd see driving through the Rockies, but Oklahoma is full of colorful surprises.


Around the Sooner State, there are no less than fourteen different scenic fall color trails to see the colors of fall throughout.

While on average, most of these places peak in the last week of October and the first week of November, it's predicted to be a little different this year. You may be able to stretch those averages an additional week in some places.

Because the dry summer heat is predicted to fall into a wet September, there's a good chance Oklahoma will have a very vibrant tree turn that could last a bit longer if rain totals keep up a good average between now and then.

While it'd be almost impossible to see every scenic place in one season, stranger things have happened. If I were you, and I was really looking for a colorful pop of fall, I'd stick to the top three recommended places to see fall colors below.

Where To See Fall Colors In Oklahoma

Whether it's the feeling you get when you see falls warm colors in the trees, or the comfort of a memory you recall from a younger time in your life, there are places in Oklahoma to see the beauty of autumn.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

Oklahoma's Top 10 Pumpkin Patches & Corn Mazes

If you're looking for a place to go for a little fall family fun, then you're in luck! Oklahoma is home to some of the biggest and best pumpkin patches and corn mazes in the nation. People from all over travel to the Sooner State every fall to visit these incredible farms. Not only do they offer pumpkin patches along with corn and hay mazes, they also have all kinds of other activities like petting zoos, rides, arts and crafts, food, games, haunted attractions, and a whole lot more. So no matter what your idea of fall fun is, you can find it all in one place!

Gallery Credit: Jeri Anderson

Top Mispronounced Towns That Show You're Not From Oklahoma

Just for funs, try to pronounce these town names before hopping to the phonetics...

Gallery Credit: Kelso

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