Look: Oklahoma’s Heat Made These Things Off-Limits
Don't let the law catch you doing these things in Oklahoma, truly because they know you're more than likely about to get hurt or hurt others.
1. Working Outdoors Without Heat Precautions
The outdoor workers honestly have it the worst out of the people of Oklahoma during the summer months. If employers aren't doing their best to ensure that their employees receive the right amount of water, breaks and safety precautions, they can face legal consequences. According to KFOR, "Under federal law, employees have the right to speak up about hazards, including a lack of heat precautions, without fear of retaliation."
2. Burn Bans
Since Oklahoma is routinely known for facing severe droughts during the summer every year, burn bans are not only commonly seen, but taken very seriously. A burn ban is a ban on burning in the area, as authorized by state government. According to the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, "Burn bans are based upon not only the immediate predicted weather conditions but also the long-term weather forecast, the condition of wildland fuels, current fire behavior, and fire occurrences."
To know if your area is in a burn ban, always check with online sources or call your town hall for confirmation before burning anything during the summer in Oklahoma. If caught burning during a Governor-issued burn ban can be charged with a misdemeanor and is "subject to a fine of not more than $1000, imprisonment for up to one year or to both."
3. Under Certain Conditions, The Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge May Be Closed
There have been times when temperatures have been so hot that visitors planning on stopping at or in the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge or Mount Scott have been prohibited, at least during specific times. This can happen at any one of Oklahoma's state parks.
The wardens and officials are more concerned with keeping everyone safe than penalizing anyone, so if you're caught, you're more than likely going to be told to leave.
4. Water Rationing in Oklahoma
Oklahoma is known for being a chronically dry state, where water is a valuable resource. According to the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, "Quantity and sometimes the quality of water available in our state has emphasized the need to protect this valuable asset through conservation and reuse."
In certain parts of the state, like Oklahoma City, there are permanent water-rationing programs in place like "Odd-even" watering. If residents are caught violating the program, they can be fined up to $1,200 after at least 4 incidents.
Depending on where you live in Oklahoma, you could be facing consequences for simply watering your lawn. Your best bet is to stay up-to-date with your local authorities.
What else aren't you allowed to do during the summer months in Oklahoma? Message us on the app.

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