Southwest Oklahoma’s Colors of Fall Are Dwindling
In a year that couldn't be more different than the last, fall sure did hang on for a long time here in Southwest Oklahoma. Cache Road has had a display of pure autumn beauty for three and a half weeks, but driving in to work this morning, it seems yesterday's intense wind took its toll on the fauna.
Amazingly, with the relatively warm forecast, there's a chance we'll get a second chance at fall colors as some of the later-bloomers have just started changing their colors. Last night as I walked in the door, I noticed my neighbors ugly cottonwood trees are starting to turn a bright yellow. Perhaps the big sycamores on 6th near the park will turn yellow this year instead of skipping straight to brown.
It wouldn't be the first time we would get to experience the wonders of a late fall. Some years the temperature stays warm enough for the grass to grow into November, but the lack of sun intensity makes it die off in neat patterns. Since I'm so, according to my sisters, "full of useless facts" I'll tell you, that's called lawn marbling, and bermuda grass does it the best when conditions are right.
While it's nice to have these mild shorts-and-hoodie weather days, I do wish we could dip deep into the 20's for at least a few days. Fall allergies are the worst for me. Whether it's the ragweed, the trees, or the last hurrah's of mold spores, Mother Nature is not kind to my sinuses either.
Onward we shall go to the Thanksgiving and the taco/nacho feast my family traditionally shares. We'll try to get as many activities packed into the time we have now til Christmas. There's no rest for the wicked until New Years Day.
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