
World’s Biggest Connect-the-Dots Picture Makes a Real Masterpiece
World’s Biggest Connect-the-Dots Picture Makes a Real Masterpiece
World’s Biggest Connect-the-Dots Picture Makes a Real Masterpiece
Remember those connect-the-dot pictures from your childhood? Multiply that by about 6,000 and you get artist Thomas Pavitte‘s incredible new project that just might be the single most complex connect-the-dots image ever. Not only did he design the illustration, he connected the 6,293 dots himself. It took Pavitte nine hours to connect them all, revealing a legendary masterpiece as you’ve never see
Creepy Andy Warhol Sculpture Imagines the Artist at 83 [VIDEO]
Creepy Andy Warhol Sculpture Imagines the Artist at 83 [VIDEO]
Creepy Andy Warhol Sculpture Imagines the Artist at 83 [VIDEO]
If Andy Warhol were alive today, how would he react to modern culture? The iconic artist, who died in 1987 at age 58, would probably flip for internet microcelebrities on sites like YouTube, which affirms his “15 minutes of fame” theory. To commemorate Warhol’s 83rd birthday this past Saturday, artist Edgar Askelovic created a sculpture that imagines what he would have looked like had he lived to
Artist Creates Supersized Candy Sculptures [PHOTO]
Artist Creates Supersized Candy Sculptures [PHOTO]
Artist Creates Supersized Candy Sculptures [PHOTO]
Much is made of artists’ muses: Pablo Picasso had Marie-Thérèse Walter, Pedro Almodóvar has Penelope Cruz and Nicola Freeman has…candy necklaces and lollipops. The British art student sculpted humongous approximations of those and other sweets for an exhibition currently showing at the University of Wolverhampton.