Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy Named Academy Awards Host
Eddie Murphy Named Academy Awards Host
Eddie Murphy Named Academy Awards Host
Looks like the rumors were true — actor and comedian Eddie Murphy has been officially tapped to host the 84th annual Academy Awards. Although Murphy has hosted other awards shows, this will be his first gig at the Oscars. “Eddie is a comedic genius, one of the greatest and most influential live performers ever,” said show co-producer Brett Ratner, who also directed Murphy in the upcoming comedy ‘T
Is Eddie Murphy In Talks to Host the Oscars?
Is Eddie Murphy In Talks to Host the Oscars?
Is Eddie Murphy In Talks to Host the Oscars?
Sources close to Academy Awards officials  say comedian and actor Eddie Murphy is being considered to host the Oscars in February. The move is seen as an effort to return to basics — in other words, have one funny act head up the entire ceremony. In years past, the Academy has experimented with different hosting ideas, culminating in the somewhat questionable move this year that saw actors James F