
Parents and Computers
Parents and Computers
Parents and Computers
Ah, the moment your parents get their first computer, smartphone, Facebook account, etc. both adorable and frightening. Some things you wish your parents knew:
The Power of Facebook
The Power of Facebook
The Power of Facebook
While I was researching and writing about the plight of Longhorn Mountain I sat in amazement once again at the power of social media.  A friend of a friends' friend had contacted me through a private message on Facebook. He had read my story and went online to sign my petition.
Instagram Gets Video As Facebook Challenges Vine
Instagram Gets Video As Facebook Challenges Vine
Instagram Gets Video As Facebook Challenges Vine
If you have Instagram, check your updates in the app store because there is a new feature that might surprise you. If you weren't aware, Facebook owns Instagram; and to challenge the explosion of the popular video app that Twitter brought to the table with Vine, they did what seemed most logical. They brought video to Instagram.
Create Our Facebook Cover
Create Our Facebook Cover
Create Our Facebook Cover
We don't have the budget for a big fancy billboard so we are asking you to help! Get those crayons and markers out!  Or, if you're really good, open your Photoshop and make our stations Facebook cover page.
Top 5 Ways to Make Your Facebook Friends Hate You
Top 5 Ways to Make Your Facebook Friends Hate You
Top 5 Ways to Make Your Facebook Friends Hate You
A blog called PhatFriend.com posted a list yesterday on how to make your Facebook friends hate you. I'm sure there are many things that you see people doing on Facebook that really annoy you, like sending you all of those ridiculous game requests, but this list focuses on some of the most annoying things people do on Facebook that people REALLY hate...
Facebook - The Musical
Facebook - The Musical
Facebook - The Musical
David has accused me of being addicted to Facebook. This video somewhat describes my affliction. I currently keep track of one profile page and 11 fan pages. Is that addiction? Watch this video and see if it describes you.
Waitress Fired
Waitress Fired
Waitress Fired
An Oklahoma Chili's restaurant said a waitress was fired for a Facebook photo of police dining at the eatery with a caption saying they "better hope I'm not their server."
Facebook Updates (NSFW)
Facebook Updates (NSFW)
Facebook Updates (NSFW)
A hilarious video that shows what life would be like if it updated like Facebook. Just like the tax code, once you finally understand it, get good at it and figure it all out, it changes! W.T.F is wrong with the people at Facebook? Why the hell do we continually get updates that do little to nothing, other than pissing you off?
Nightmare Restaurant From ‘Kitchen Nightmares’ Has Epic Facebook Meltdown
Nightmare Restaurant From ‘Kitchen Nightmares’ Has Epic Facebook Meltdown
Nightmare Restaurant From ‘Kitchen Nightmares’ Has Epic Facebook Meltdown
In all the years he's been doing 'Kitchen Nightmares' (in the US at least), Gordon Ramsey never quit on a client. Until he went to Amy's Baking Company in Arizona. Those people were horrible. Taking waitstaff tips, screaming, firing people -- they genuinely are the worst. Unfortunately, they didn't take learning that fact very well.

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