
These Guys Host a BBQ for the Homeless [VIDEO]
These Guys Host a BBQ for the Homeless [VIDEO]
These Guys Host a BBQ for the Homeless [VIDEO]
Another video that will restore your faith in mankind. The guys over at GiveBackFilms recently hit the streets of Atlanta, GA. with a special mission. They held a big BBQ for the homeless at Centennial Olympic Park.
No Homeless Here!
No Homeless Here!
No Homeless Here!
What do you do when you have nowhere to go?  This question has to once again be answered by a group of homeless people in Lawton that had made makeshift homes in a mall area in Elmer Thomas Park.
Homeless Man Has Amazing Radio Voice [VIDEO]
Homeless Man Has Amazing Radio Voice [VIDEO]
Homeless Man Has Amazing Radio Voice [VIDEO]
Grab a tissue. So, a reporter for the Columbus Dispatch notices a homeless man with a sign that says he has a golden radio voice. Long story short, he totally does. And the internet has made him famous. You have to watch (and listen) to this guy...