45 years later, almost to the day, the infamous Oklahoma Girl Scout murders have been solved. If you're unfamiliar with this tragic and horrifying case it happened back in 1977 at a Girl Scout camp named 'Camp Scott' in Locust Grove, OK. 3 girls were attacked, raped, and murdered by an unknown homicidal maniac.
The first three Paranormal Activity movies, released in successive years from 2009-2011, made over $577 million worldwide. The fourth movie made half what the previous film did, and the fifth, a Latin-American themed spinoff subtitled The Marked Ones, made even less than that. The film built up a complicated mythology and then seemed to abandon it all. The next, and reportedly final, Paranormal Activity movie will arrive in theaters this fall (in 3D, no less) and promises to reveal all the film’s secrets. Now you can watch the trailer for the latest installment and see if you still care.
If you're still interested in the idea of a 'Paranormal Activity 5,' you may not be after you hear its new title. Paramount Pictures not only announced the fifth installment's release date for 2015, but also that we'll apparently be entering 'The Ghost Dimension.'
‘Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones’ finds its own entertaining voice for the majority of its slim 84-minute runtime, before giving itself over to the good of the franchise as a whole, sacrificing quality and coherence in the process.
The holiday movie season is in full swing already, leaving precious few screens available for anything new. This weekend we only get one big film opening. If you like the previous installments in this franchise, you should probably get a kick out of this one as well.
We're just a few days away from the debut of 'Paranormal Activity' spinoff 'The Marked Ones,' and today the folks behind the film have debuted a brand new teaser as part of their "Scream in the New Year" campaign. Partnering with Shock Till You Drop, they've released this teaser, entitled "Prayer," to help scoot you a little closer to the edge of your seat. We've been hearing s
2014 looks like it will be a big year for the 'Paranormal Activity' franchise, with a fifth film hitting around Halloween and the intriguing spinoff, 'Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones,' arriving in a week. We don't know much about 'Paranormal Activity 5,' but we do know plenty about the spinoff, which takes this increasingly complicated found-footage saga of demons and possession to a Latino n
While watching horror movies might seem like harmless fun, it could end up costing you more than the price of a ticket or a rental, say researchers.
A study to come out of the University of California, Berkeley found that scary movies can affect our financial decisions. Participants were split into two groups, one given horror films to watch and the other historical documentaries. Afterward, both