
Thanksgiving Has 3 F’s Food,Football and Fun[VIDEO]
Thanksgiving Has 3 F’s Food,Football and Fun[VIDEO]
Thanksgiving Has 3 F’s Food,Football and Fun[VIDEO]
Happy Thanksgiving folks, Well it's finally here the day when we all eat way too much food, watch way to much football and enjoy or family and friends. So I am assuming you have cooked a huge Thanksgiving feast so you took care of the first "F", there is football starting at 11:30 am with three games today Detroit and Green Bay in the early game then the Dallas Cowboys and Miami Dolphins
Turkey Frying Disasters[VIDEO]
Turkey Frying Disasters[VIDEO]
Turkey Frying Disasters[VIDEO]
It use to be that you cooked your turkey in the oven for a good day or day in a half and the house smelled so good and then you sat down for a great Thanksgiving feast. But lately the crazy has been frying your turkey the day of Thanksgiving and trying not to burn down the house.