
Best of YouTube
Best of YouTube
Best of YouTube
As part of their April Fool's Day tradition, Google is running a pretty great prank on YouTube, right now. They are listing the nominees for the best of YouTube before it "shuts down." Every video is nominated. They are listing every video on YouTube and reading their descriptions...
Best Breakup Song Ever Written by Couple Who Just Broke Up
Best Breakup Song Ever Written by Couple Who Just Broke Up
Best Breakup Song Ever Written by Couple Who Just Broke Up
Jonathan Mann has written a song a day every day for almost 1,300 days. Seriously. A lot of them are very silly, but he and his girlfriend broke up yesterday, and they did a song about that. It is maybe the best breakup song ever written, because of its sincerity, maturity and plea for friends to still invite both of them to the same parties.
Why Do YouTube Videos Freeze at 301 Views?
Why Do YouTube Videos Freeze at 301 Views?
Why Do YouTube Videos Freeze at 301 Views?
If you look at a lot of YouTube videos — as we do — you’ve probably noticed that the number 301 appears much more than any other figure in the video’s counter. This is particularly striking in cases where the view count is seemingly stuck at 301 while the like and dislike indicators suggests the video has been viewed many more times than that.
Tucker The Piano Dog Is a YouTube Sensation [VIDEO]
Tucker The Piano Dog Is a YouTube Sensation [VIDEO]
Tucker The Piano Dog Is a YouTube Sensation [VIDEO]
The Kenndy Family, from Canada, posted a video on YouTube of their one and a half year old Schnoodle, Tucker, who turns out have a special talent! Tucker as you can see loves to play the piano and sing! He does it 3 to 4 times a day! Is he any good? You be the judge! Amazing and funny video!
YouTube’s Pronunciation Manual Wants to Embarrass You [VIDEO]
YouTube’s Pronunciation Manual Wants to Embarrass You [VIDEO]
YouTube’s Pronunciation Manual Wants to Embarrass You [VIDEO]
If you saw the so-awful-it’s-sublime movie ‘Showgirls,’ you likely remember the scene in which someone compliments Nomi’s dress and she says, “Thanks! I bought it at Ver-sayce,” completely and embarrassingly butchering the pronunciation of designer label Versace. If you’d like to recreate that moment for yourself, the YouTube channel Pronunciation Manual is here to “help.”