Ukrainian Troops Arrive in Lawton, Fort Sill to Varying Opinions
While support for Ukraine is positive among many Americans, it's not a universal feeling of solidarity, especially across Oklahoma.
While Oklahoma State Senator Nathan Dahm may have got the headlines with his pushback of Ukrainian troops in the state, studies show a sizable shift in caring about the conflict due to ongoing issues across the US. In short, the more unstable the dollar has become in America, the more people have reemphasized focus on our own problems.
Why should we support Ukraine when eggs cost more than minimum wage?
That's the common question floating around social media platforms like TikTok, Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter today. As wildly indifferent as it seems on the exterior, it is a valid question.
As luck has it, I actually reached out to Oklahoma's US Senators and Representatives over the last few weeks about Ukraine. Of our seven congressional politicians, Senator Lankford was the only one that responded.
In his words:
...As Americans, we should be concerned when any country violates the safety and sovereignty of another sovereign nation...
Some Oklahomans are skeptical of U.S. involvement and believe we should not help Ukraine defend itself. I understand fears of an escalated conflict and see why some believe the U.S. should not assist Ukraine... it is in America's best interest to support Ukraine and stand up to Russian aggression... We should absolutely reaffirm our commitment to our NATO allies and back Ukraine...
How are America and Oklahoma supporting Ukraine?
Ukrainian troops have arrived in Lawton-Fort Sill to complete an accelerated training course on the Patriot Missile System... A mobile antiballistic missile platform that can be used to shoot down incoming missiles before reaching their intended target.
It's the same missile platform the US has made available to 17 allies across the globe. Mostly NATO allies such as Turkey, Poland, and Germany, but also US-allied countries including Israel, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Japan.
Whether or not you support this move is your prerogative. Personally, while they're here, I hope they get the chance to have a Wayne's burger and Braum's ice cream.
Fort Sill couldn't be a better place for Ukraine's training. It's the home of our Field Artillery, the training is second to none, and the crumbling and ugly streets of Lawton might just be a cure in case they get homesick.