World’s First Website Turns 21!
My my how times have changed since we were kids. Before we had smartphones, cellphones, pagers, and, yes the Internet how did we ever exist? In 1991, the world's first website went online and is still up and running. See what it looks like!I remember my first ever game system I had as a child it was the third generation Atari game system and it had just one game, Donkey Kong. I believe it was lost in my families third move otherwise I would probably be able to get some good money from a collector or something. I played that thing all day and night during the summers. The next game system was the first generation Nintendo which came with Duck Hunt and Super Mario Bros. The graphics at the time were superb and beyond compare! Though, by today's standard they would be considered below child's play.
This quick trip through memory lane was spurred by a headline that I saw today that said the world's first website is 21 year-old today, which the webpage is still up and running! But, this got me to thinking what are some of the things that I, we, knew as a kid that younger generations wouldn't have clue about. For example, you could has a younger person what the symbol is to save a document or project on a word processing piece of software but, would they actually know where that symbol got its origin? Would they actually know that image stood for a physical object called a floppy disk? Would they know that the previous versions of floppy disks were actually floppy pieces of plastic and that is how they got the name?
We have come a long way in such a short time technologically. I remember when the fastest speed you could get for the Internet was 56kbs and you had to wait at least five or six minutes for the little white box to his squeal, ping, and hiss at you before you were taken to the road because at that time it was not the information super highway. If you want to experience the internet from yester-year, then check out the first website! What can you think of that younger generations will never know?