Oh, boy. Here we go. The first trailer for The Angry Birds Movie is here this is the culmination of something. It’s big moment for something. The mere existence of this movie means something. We don’t know what those somethings are, though. All one can do at this moment is watch this preview and ponder, uh, something.
Mountain Metro AMBUCS will again host its Challenge Trail for mentally and physically challenged youth and adults who come each year to take on and accomplish the daring events, Saturday, September 19 at the Goodyear Pavilion.
I saw this picture posted to my Instagram account called "The Santa Hat Game" and I thought I just HAVE to try this. It looked like so much fun. #SantaHatGame
I recall my summer's as a child with fond memories. Staying outside all day long until the street light came on and my mom or my dad yelling from the back step "Come on in! It's getting dark!" and our reply was always "Aww! Come on! Just 5 more minutes!"
The Call Of Duty Ghosts gaming tournament is finally here. The teams are getting set, the free for all will be first followed by the 4 V 4 team objective.
We want to thank the following sponsors who have made this gaming tournament possible...
Legend has it that 30 years ago Atari buried a massive cache of video game cartridges in a landfill in New Mexico. Specifically, they buried tons and tons of copies of the failed 'E.T.' video game, an Atari non-classic that nearly sunk the gaming industry. Now a film crew has been given six months to search the massive 100 acre landfill to find the motherlode of lost games and confirm that the sto