A great video dedicated to all the wonderful moms in our lives. Teleflora just launched a new commercial that honors that most special woman in our life, mom just in time for Mother's Day. Don't forget about dear ol' sweet mom, May 10th is Mother's Day. This year maybe more than any other we need to make sure moms are celebrated and shown how much we appreciate them. You still have time to start making plans and coming up with gift ideas for mom.

Normally here in Lawton we're reminded of Mother's Day thanks to the Arts For All Festival which always takes place on Mother's Day weekend every year. Every year expect this one. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the festival has been postponed to 2021. More than likely the annual event will take place on it's usual date(s) next year. The worse part is you could always find some great gifts at the festival, not to mention food. It was the perfect place to take mom to enjoy all the entertainment, food and of course art of all types. This year we'll have to make different plans. It'll definitely be strange passing by Shepler Park and not seeing Arts For All happening.

If you're lucky enough to still have your mom make sure you let her know how much you love and appreciate her. The world is a much different place without her...

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