City of Lawton Shares Some Tips for Lake Season
It's starting to get warmer and warmer outside and before you know it we'll be heading to the lakes for some Summer fun. We're actually seeing a Spring this year as temperatures slowly rise. Normally we go from cold to hot with no gradual change, but this year it's been nice to have those 70's and 80's before it gets really hot. It's rare in Oklahoma to have an actual Spring, so get out there and enjoy it while you can! While it may be a little too cold to go swimming there's all kinds of other things to do at the lake.
Throughout the Summer months I enjoy going to both Lake Lawtonka and Ellsworth. Do some fishing, maybe do some boating and camping while we're there. And once it gets a little warmer I'm sure we'll be swimming as well. Last year I don't think anyone was really able to go out and enjoy the area lakes due to the pandemic. Now that things are starting to open back up and return to somewhat normal I'm going to waste no time in getting out there and making the best of it. I was trying to think back to the last time I went to the lake and couldn't remember, It's definitely been too long that's for sure.
If you're planning to visit and spend the day at one of Lawton's lakes make sure you follow all the rules and be a good human by picking up after yourself. Whatever you bring out, take back home with you. Make sure all your trash is properly disposed of in the trash cans and if you are picnicking or camping when you leave clean up your site. The City of Lawton just released a public service announcement about our lakes:
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