Comanche County Sheriff’s Office Issues Scam Alert for Lawton and the Surrounding Area!
It's back! The Comanche County Sheriff's Office has issued a scam alert for Lawton, Fort Sill, and the surrounding area. Looks like scammers have returned and are dupping people into giving them personal information or worse, cash. Seems like there's always a new, or in this case a returning scam, that you have to be aware of. You've always got to be on your toes and pay attention to what's going on. Don't get taken!
This scam that residents of Lawton and throughout Comanche County are reporting threatens you with jail time unless you pay. Here's exactly how the scam works: basically you get a call from someone who poses as a Comanche County Sheriff's Department deputy or an official employee of the department. They advise you that there's a warrant out for your arrest due to missing a jury summons or jury duty. The scammers try to convince you that you won't be arrested and jailed if you pay the fine and court fees associated with the warrant. Obviously, this scares most people and they unknowingly end up falling for the scam.
They ask for a money order or other means of payment to settle the matter. Whatever you do, don't pay or give any personal information to these people, it's a scam. The Sheriff's Department does not operate like this. They don't call people and ask them for money to avoid being arrested for skipping jury duty. That's not how it works. If you are contacted by someone asking for money report it to the authorities.
Always verify who you're speaking with and that it's legit. You can always double-check by calling back using the published number and explaining your situation. Ask if you were contacted and tell them what the call was about to make sure you're not getting scammed. It's always better to be safe than sorry.