New Way To Celebrate The Fourth of July in Oklahoma
This year, visitors can expect a new way of celebrating Independence Day. After the first of many celebrations in Oklahoma this past weekend, it seems as though fireworks have met their match with beautiful ways to celebrate: drone shows.
Over the last weekend, several cities across Oklahoma kicked off their Independence Day celebrations with various festivals. Every year, each celebration usually has food trucks, bands, dancers and vendors all day, everything wrapping up with an expensive and explosive fireworks show. This year, however, things were a little different in Lawton and Anadarko.
On top of their fireworks, some towns held patriotic light shows by drones, like the one in Lawton, put on by Sky Elements with 200 drones.
The drone light show in Anadarko on the same weekend was put on by Dynamic Skies out of Oklahoma City.
In some ways, the drone shows have been considered a better option for celebrating rather than the traditional fireworks shows. They are less noisy, pose less of a risk for starting fires or injury to handlers and are reusable for more than one occassion.
The main reason they have not yet taken the place of fireworks is the cost. If you thought fireworks were expensive, you don't want to see the $20,000 (or more) bill usually associated with a drone show.
Instead of forking over the money yourself, enjoy the next upcoming drone shows this week in various Oklahoma towns.
Upcoming Drone Shows:
Monday, July 1, 2024 - University of Oklahoma "Only Place To Be" Drone Show at OU Campus
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - Sapulpa, Oklahoma Let Freedom Fly 400-drone patriotic light show
Friday, July 5, 2024 - Oklahoma City Red White and Zoom Drone Show at Crossroads Church
Hopefully, we see more drone shows add to the list in the coming years. For this year, take your pick where you'll be celebrating America's independence!
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