Fort Sill Makes Fitness Fun with 2022 Race Series
Fort Sill Family, Morale, Welfare & Recreation is hosting a 2022 Race Series featuring an event almost every month for the rest of the year. (Events listed below.)
“Fitness is another way to get after resiliency and the 2022 MWR Race Series is our way of making fitness fun for our Soldiers, families, and the community,” said Col. Rhett Taylor, Fort Sill Garrison commander.
Group of runners compete in the race on coastal road
The year started with the Buffalo Soldiers Run in February, and the next event is the Shamrock 5K March 19.
The run/walk starts at3 p.m.at the Patriot Club. Participants are encouraged to wear a costume. The runner with the best costume will win a Saint Patrick’s Day-themed prize. Registration is $35, which includes a t-shirt, medal, and drink voucher.Thisrun is open to thepublic. Register at anyFortSill fitness center, or call 580-442-4329. Day-of registration will open at2 p.m. The race starts at 3 p.m.
For more information, check out the Shamrock 5K event on Facebookatwww.facebook.com/events/320117036824453
All events are open to the public. Register at anyFort Sill fitness center, or call 580-442-4329.
March 19 Shamrock 5K: Starts at 3 p.m. at the Patriot Club and ends with a party at the Patriot Club.Registration is$35, which includes a medal, t-shirt, and drink voucher.May 14Family Fun Day Run/Walk: Starts at 10 a.m. at the 3 Mile Track. Participants can do ana1Milewalk/run, or 5K walk/run)Registration is $50 for a family of four which includes race bibs, four medals, and four t-shirts. Additional family members are$10 per
June 11Fort SillBody vs. EarthTriathlon: Starts at 7 a.m. at LakeElmer Thomas Recreation Area(LETRA). Registration is$65whichincludes a race bib, medal, and t-shirt. The race is a sprint triathlon:750-meter swim, 20K bike, 5Krun.
July 23 Fort Sill Dog Days of Summer Run/Walk: Starts at 9 a.m. at the 3 Mile Track. Participants can do a 1-mile walk/run, or a 5K walk/run. Registration is $35 per person and pup, which includes race bibs, a medal for the person, a medal for the dog, and a collapsible dog bowl.
Aug. 22 Alien 5K: Starts at 6p.m.at Lake Elmer Thomas Recreation Area (LETRA).Registration is$35 which includes a race bib, medal, and t-shirt. Sept. 11 Remembrance 5K: Start time TBD at the3 Mile Track. This is a free run, or $35 if you want a medal, shirt, and race bib.
Sept. 24 Tour De Sill: This is a bicycle race starting at 6 a.m. from Lake Elmer Thomas Recreation Area (LETRA). Registration is $50, which includes a race bib, medal, t-shirt, and water bottle. There are three different distances: 43K,59K, or 77K.
Oct. 22 Zombie5K: Starts at 6 p.m. at the Patriot Club and runs through Martha Songbird Trail. Registration is $35, which includes a race bib, medal, and t-shirt.
Nov. 12 Run for the Fallen 5K/10K: Start time TBD at the 3 Mile Track. Participants can choose the 5K or10K route. The run is free, or$35 which includes a race bib, medal, and t-shirt.
Dec. 3Reindeer 5K/10K: Starts at 9a.m.at the 3 Mile Track. Participants can choose the 5K or 10K route. Registration is$35, which includes a race bib, medal, and t-shirt.
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