Lawton is Keeping Kids Busy with Three Summer Programs
This week is the final week for Lawton Public Schools to be in session. That means that next week, we will have bored kids on our hands!
The City of Lawton just announced 3 new Summer programs coordinated through the Parks and Recreation Department! Maybe one of these will keep kids minds and bodies active during the Summer Months!
4-week Karate Class program will take place in June for kids ages 5-18. This class will meet every Tuesday from 5-6pm at the H. C. King Center, 1705 NW 20th Street in Lawton. Notable benefits of this class include increased strength, increased fitness and flexibility and sharper focus, plus much more. This class is hosted by Larry Perry and David Campbell
Summer Reading Program will run in June and July for ages 5-13. Oh how I love to read and to instill that love of reading to my grand-kids. This program is FREE and will take place at the H. C. King Center at 1705 NW 20th Street on June 7, June 14, June 21 and July 28th from 5-6pm in the evening. The Summer Reading Program is hosted by Devon Jenkins and Onreka Johnson.
Kids Summer Camp is June 28-30 for ages 8-13, and will take place at the Patterson Community Center. Activities include outdoor games, dress up days, art displays, story telling, science, exercise, superhero days and so much more. It will run from 10am til 1pm and is FREE, however space is limited.
You can register for any of these Summer Children's programs by visiting Hurry, deadline for most of these programs is June 5th.
What a great opportunity for your child or children to stay active in both mind and body during the Summer months in Lawton!
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