Lawton, Oklahoma held an important council meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 28. On the agenda, the City Prosecuter presented the council with data, testimonies and evidence of dangerous dog attacks that have happened in Lawton. In his presentation, the Prosecutor suggested a legal ban on pit bull dogs "if it can be obtained."

To see the Prosecutor's presentation, click here.

Details From The City Council Meeting

Lawton, OK City Hall
Lawton Oklahoma, City Government via Facebook

The Prosecutor did mention that there were discussions of ways to work around the Oklahoma state law that prevents municipalities from implementing a breed-specific ban on dogs, but Mayor Stan Booker struck that option early on in the discussion of solutions.

Around 30 citizens showed up to speak specifically to the council meeting about their feelings about the proposed ban. As per council meeting protocol, only three minutes were alloted per speaker, and they only spend nine minutes per topic in each meeting.

Because there were so many Lawtonians there to speak at the meeting, council members allowed four speakers to speak against the ban.

Only one citizen spoke in favor of the ban.

Other Solutions Proposed By Lawtonians To Resolve Aggressive Dog Attacks Issue

Dog Rescue Center Aims To Help Addicts, In Addition To Canines
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Some of the speakers proposed different solutions for the issue that the Prosecutor spoke about. A few that were mentioned were:

  • More animal control officers to be hired for the Lawton Animal Welfare
  • More support for programs that help spay and neuter animals
  • Heavier enforcement on irresponsible owners of any breed of animals not being properly contained
  • Free or affordable training resources
  • Temperment testing

Some of the solutions had already been started, as Mayor Stan Booker mentioned that more Animal Control Officers were going to be hired. But other solutions were heard, but not implemented.

What Did Lawton's City Council Decide About The Pit Bull Ban?

British Voters Go To The Polls In The 2017 General Election
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After the public had an opportunity to speak, council members were allotted time to give their opinions on the presentation from the City Prosecutor. Once council members gave their opinions, they took a brief recess.

After the recess, the council proceeded with the rest of the agenda without re-addressing the solution for the dog attacks. As of now, 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 28, the city council has not presented or implemented an action yet.

Before the recess, Mayor Stan Booker mentioned that the council may need to put their heads together to come up with a solution that could keep Lawton's streets safe without taking away anyone's dogs.

Citizens are encouraged to keep up with the Lawton Oklahoma, City Government Facebook page to see more updates.

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