So you have a class reunion coming up at the end of the summer or maybe a trip to the beach and you want that killer swim suit. 

It's not to late to get into that swim suit or that new out fit for the reunion dinner. According to there are 9 simple ways to cut back on calories. It will not only help you lose weight, but it will also improve your health.

Start with drinking nonfat milk instead of whole - save 140. When it comes to soup, opt for chicken noodle instead of French onion soup - save 340. Choose marinara sauce instead of Alfredo - save 170.

Going to the movies? Hold the butter on the popcorn - save 180.  Snack time is a down fall for many people. Try this. A Kudos M&M snack bar instead of a pack of M&M's - save 140. Have a beer instead of a margarita - save 200


Halve the amount of butter you add when making boxed mac & cheese - save 100. When making that midnight snack or at lunchtime, grill a sandwich with nonstick cooking spray instead of butter - save 100. Hold the cheese on your burger - save 100.

Following these simple steps can put you on the right track to loosing weight and feeling better not only on the inside but overall as well.

Is there anything that you have done that works along with these suggestions?




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