UPDATE: The Mayor & City Council Declare State of Emergency
UPDATE: 04/24/20 Please be aware this situation is fluid and may change as the situation dictates. All COL updates and information in regards to COVID-19 will continue to be posted here: https://www.lawtonok.gov/news/covid-19-information-preparedness
According to information sent in a press release from The Office of the City Manager:
"Due to mounting concerns surrounding the nationwide spread of COVID-19, Lawton City Council members have taken action in open session that provides support to Mayor Stan Booker in declaring a State of Emergency for the Lawton community."
Find more information on the State of Emergency in Lawton, OK here:
According to the Mayor, "Taking these proactive measures will amount to less stress on our medical system, which will allow for greater health and safety of our entire community.”
Everyone please make sure you are taking the proper precautions by following the directives of The Mayor & City Council, exercise social distancing, get tested & please, STAY CALM.