Spectacular Places in Oklahoma Your Photographer Will Love
Unlike what the rest of America thinks, Oklahoma has some stunning views that are perfect for your next photoshoot. These are all family-friendly and great spots for almost any season. As for pets, some of these locations do not allow pets, but service animals are welcome. Photographers: You will need a permit for many of these locations.
Water and Nature: Turner Falls
As Oklahoma's largest waterfall, it's hard to beat the landscape with gorgeous greenery and clear, clean waters ideal for that perfect picture. It is open to all ages, but pets are not allowed. The park is busy during the summer, so be prepared to have a few people in your shots - unless you plan very carefully. The park closes at 8:00p.m., so get there early and be prepared for a speedy golden-hour.
Next Best Beach Area: Quartz Mountain
On the west end of the Wichita Mountains, you can get a full gorgeous view of Lake Altus-Lugert and capture some amazing beach-vibe photos. This location allows animals on leash and is spansive enough for the entire family. Don't forget the bugspray or just do the entire shoot in the water!
Dark and Mysterious: Parallel Forest
One of my personal favorite photographers came up with the idea of a Harry-Potter themed photoshoot and where better to do it at than one of Oklahoma's spooky-ooky spots called the Parallel Forest. The location has rumors of hauntings, dark secrets and native american lure, so it takes the win for the best spot for Halloween-themed shoots.
During the day, it makes for an interesting hike and is also family and pet friendly, safe enough for little ones and even elders who have a difficult time moving.
Sophisticated Up-Town Vibes: Bricktown OKC
There's a little piece of everything for everyone - even those who want to veer away from the standard nature shoot. If you're feeling out-of-the-box and really want to strut your individuality, Oklahoma City is the place to do it; specifically Bricktown. With lights, photogenic shops and storefronts, you'll get the upscale feel of busy town life in the heart of Oklahoma's capital.
Keep in mind you'll be working around tons of people, but if you know what you're doing, you'll get some creative ideas.
Foliage and Feel: Roman Nose State Park
The green is gorgeous on the trees in Oklahoma, but it truly becomes a stunning view when the foliage makes its transition in the fall.
Although most of the state technically is plains and rolling hills, the some parts of the state morph into stunning forested areas like the Roman Nose State Park with trails that wind and twist around the springs and canyon located here. Don't forget the pets for this one - they must be on leash and only allowed in the park.
Family Fun and Unique: Haystack Adventures
Now this one is fitting for the entire family, perfect for a photoshoot just capturing fun and making memories. The highlight of their year is during their incredibly large pumpkin patch that frankly puts many others to shame. If you're a sucker for the sunset photos and flannel-fall feel, Haystack Adventures is the small business you'll find them at.
Some photographers are looking for new and exciting ideas, branch out of your comfort zone and see what you can come up with!
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