
Facebook's 'Fat' Emoji Sparks Anger
Facebook's 'Fat' Emoji Sparks Anger
Facebook's 'Fat' Emoji Sparks Anger
Think emojis are obnoxious little icons? Some may call them "emoticons". Well then check out the movement spawned by Facebook's "feeling fat" emoji - a smiling face with a double chin on the site's list of available status-update options.
Facebook Adds ‘Legacy Contact’ Feature
Facebook Adds ‘Legacy Contact’ Feature
Facebook Adds ‘Legacy Contact’ Feature
With Facebook being the place to connect with friends and family it's also becoming a place to reflect and remember the ones that have left life to go to the next. Now you can make remembering those that have passed easier by establishing a 'Legacy Contact.'
The Top 10 Movies and TV Shows of 2014, According to Facebook
The Top 10 Movies and TV Shows of 2014, According to Facebook
The Top 10 Movies and TV Shows of 2014, According to Facebook
It’s that time of the year, when pop culture websites and critics publish their annual Best Of lists and we heap praise on the best and most beloved movies and TV shows of the year. But what about the average moviegoer and TV-viewer? That’s where Facebook comes in. The social media site has released their top 10 movies and top 10 TV shows of the year, based on the most discussed titled of 2014. While some are fairly obvious, the lists might surprise you and inspire you to contemplate the overlap between what’s popular and what’s actually good.
What If Facebook Shut down?
What If Facebook Shut down?
What If Facebook Shut down?
My husband David accuses me of being on my phone all the time. That has a totally different meaning today then it did, say 5 years ago! He thinks I'm addicted to Facebook.
Facebook Privacy Statement
Facebook Privacy Statement
Facebook Privacy Statement
Every few months, a chain letter-type status update makes the rounds on Facebook, declaring that the user’s data and content are off-limits for advertising or other uses. This one has appeared on my newsfeed several times in the past week.
Bad Parenting
Bad Parenting
Bad Parenting
An 18-year-old mother has been arrested after a photo surfaced on Facebook showing her 14-month-old dangling from a planter hook.

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