
Can You Legally Gift Someone a Gun in Oklahoma?
Can You Legally Gift Someone a Gun in Oklahoma?
Can You Legally Gift Someone a Gun in Oklahoma?
With it being the holiday season a lot of people are wondering if it's legal to gift someone a firearm for Christmas, or really any time. Can you gift a gun in Oklahoma and if so what are the laws surrounding that?
Oklahoma Sheriffs Won’t Enforce New ATF Pistol Brace Rule
Oklahoma Sheriffs Won’t Enforce New ATF Pistol Brace Rule
Oklahoma Sheriffs Won’t Enforce New ATF Pistol Brace Rule
Several Oklahoma Sherriffs have announced that they would not be enforcing the ATF's new pistol brace rules whenever they go into effect. The primary reasons are the citing of Oklahoma's Second Amendment Sanctuary Act and the unconstitutionality of the new rule.

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