
Another Fireworks Safety Tip with Critter [VIDEO]
Another Fireworks Safety Tip with Critter [VIDEO]
Another Fireworks Safety Tip with Critter [VIDEO]
There is no room for sloppiness when messing with fireworks... When you start doing stupid stuff with explosives, awesome happens. Try to catch it on video. Growing up, there was a story told to all of the kids about fireworks that had us all making cautious decisions about handling them from an early age...
New Cutting Torch Cuts Cost by Running on Diesel & Kerosene [UPDATE]
New Cutting Torch Cuts Cost by Running on Diesel & Kerosene [UPDATE]
New Cutting Torch Cuts Cost by Running on Diesel & Kerosene [UPDATE]
One of the most useful old tools in the shop is getting some new tech. It'll make it cheaper to run, which means you can run it again. The Petrogen Multi-Fuel Adapter is the newest technology in the shop torch game. Instead of paying $400+ to refill my oxy-acetylene, I can save nearly half by switching to diesel, bio-diesel, or kerosene and other heavy fuels...
Summer was Made for Road Trips
Summer was Made for Road Trips
Summer was Made for Road Trips
The best thing about summer has historically been hitting the open road with either A: your buddies, or B: your family. Though, it's not usually the journey you remember with your family, more or less it's the destination. I digress, road trips are a Summer tradition...

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