Ted Nugent Predicts Terrorist Attack
Just call him Nugestradamus.
Ted Nugent took to his Facebook wall on Sept. 4 to give fans, friends and followers one week's warning before Sept. 11, 2014, which he predicts will be a "day of infamy" during which "unarmed & helpless Americans and Europeans will be viciously ambushed when they least expect it, and the death toll will be more brutal and widespread than all the peace & love dreamers could ever imagine." If you've got a gun, Uncle Ted suggests loading up -- and if you don't, he sees you just another one of this country's "stoned retards."
The bulk of Nugent's post reads as follows:
Those who carry guns had better gun & ammo up no matter where you go, carrying at least 10 spare mags or 10 spare speedloaders because the allahpukes are confident they will once again methodically slaughter walking cowering whining cryin helpless sitting ducks capable of zero resistance. To gullible naive embarrassing ill prepared targets, there is still time to firepower up ASAP. Head for cover but retain an attentiveness in order to identify the evildoers and dbl tap center mass, then two to the head. Then take cover and prepare your next evasive escape, taking dwn known jihadists to the best of your ability, Aim small miss small center mass & headshots, This is going to be the real deal & absolutely survivable against these 4th world allahpuke zombies. STAND! Go heavy, Only a--holes are outgunned, Dont be outgunned or out ammo'd. Goodluck. Be safe, Shoot straight & OFTEN, Godspeed, killemall
Asked by one commenter (who was quickly shouted down by a chorus of fans who share Nugent's worldview) whether he'd "admit to being a paranoid fool" if his dark vision for 9-11-14 doesn't come to pass, Nugent responded, "I have numerous fire extinguishers handy at all times. No fires, no paranoia. BoyScout101."